Sunday, April 1, 2012

Painting and shadows

I was searching for paintings on the internet when I stumbled upon a piece that caught my eye and interested me. The artist is unknown however. It was done with oil on a canvas and has some nice qualities about it. I noticed it has both hard edged shadows and soft edged shadows. For example, the cat's leg and back has a hard shadow being cast perfectly on the floor, while the bird (crow?) has a softer shadow being cast. Perhaps the difference is because of the feathers on the bird, diffusing the light more than the cat would. I like the lighting and shading and how it brings out the center of the picture. While off in the edges of the room, behind and underneath the basket and desk, the light fades off until you cant see what lies in those areas. It appears to be sunlight that is shining from top-right through a breeze way of some sort. I like the quality and spectrum of the light presence as if it was a real afternoon on the farm. It creates a very friendly and almost humble feel to the painting. All in all, pretty nice art work I believe.

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